Construction work and renovations (For Tenants)

We have collected a number of important documents and links to make it easier for you to rebuild.
The "Building and Urban Space Manual for The White Meatpacking District" can be downloaded as a whole or per chapter.
Before applying for a permit, it is important that you have considered the entire process and have researched and planned everything in detail before you begin the application process.
You must always seek permission from the landowner (Copenhagen Properties - KEJD).
If your tenancy is protected, you must also apply to the Ministy of cultural affairs.
In order for KEJD and the Ministy of cultural affairs to process your application, it is important that you have described the project in detail. Otherwise, you will receive the application back with a demand for additional information.
If your project also requires a building permit from the Center for Buildings, you can read more about the four steps in a building application via the link at the bottom of the page. Read them through before you start applying.