Defibrillators in The Meatpacking District

There are 14 available defibrillators in The Meatpacking District (or close to):
Available 24 hours a day:
- Slagtehusgade 11, (on the gable facing the street, right by the lattice gate into the alley)
- Flæsketorvet 91K (on the east-facing gable, behind inco Kød)
- Flæsktorvet 84K (on the west-facing gable, behind mesteren og lærlingen)
- DGI-byen,Tietgensgade 65, (on the left side of the hotel reception)
- Scandic Kødbyen, Skelbækgade 3A (in the lobby by opening to the elevators)
Available during opening hours:
- Erik Møller arkitekter, Flæsketorvet 75, (1 floor by the. receptionen)
- Warpigs, Flæsketorvet 25 (at the checkout counter)
- INCO, Flæsketorvet 84A (at customer entrance)
- Rysensteen Gymnasium, Flæsketorvet 60 (1. floor by the cafe)
- Vandkulturhuset, DGI-Byen (at ticket sales)
- Københavns Musiksskole, Halmtorvet 29 (on gable wall at end of kitchen counter, left in foyer)
- SOPU, Skelbækgade 1 (on the wall to the left within the main entrance)
- SOPU, Skelbækgade 1 ( 2nd floor, Stairs A - right next to the door on the right)
- Rysensteen Gymnasium, Toetgensgade 74 (within the door from Kvægtorvsgade)